Program Streams

0016 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 5 "Wholistic Evaluations"
0021 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 4 "Putting Indigegogy into Practice"
0022 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 3 "Building Our Bundles"
0023 - Positive Psychology - Module 1: Exploration of the Fundamentals of Positive Psychology
0024 - Positive Psychology - Module 2: Signature and Character Strengths
0025 - Positive Psychology - Module 3: Self-Care
0026 - Positive Psychology - Module 4: Quality Connections
0027 - Positive Psychology - Module 5: A Pathway for Resilience: Growth Mindset
0030 - Essential Self-Care and Resilience
0045 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 1 "Stepping into Your Centre"
0046 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 2 "Circle Work"
0047 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 6 "Teaching and Learning as Ceremony"
0048 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 7 "Honoring the Land"
0049 - Wholistic Healing Practices and Colonial Trauma Certificate, Module 1 "Decolonizing Trauma Work"
0050 - Wholistic Healing Practices and Colonial Trauma Certificate, Module 2 "Indigenizing Trauma Work"
0051 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 3 "Kinship and Customary Care in Indigenous Child Welfare"
0052 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 4 "Reawakening the Spirit: Healing from Colonial Trauma"
0053 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 5 "Indigenous Incarceration: Providing Trauma Informed Care"
0054 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 5 "Developing Indigenous-Led Responses to MMIWG2S"
0055 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 6 "A Community Practice Approach to Family Violence"
0056 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 7 "Dewaganose: Supporting Healing in Children and Youth"
0058 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 8 "Gender & Sexual Diversity in Indigenous Communities"
0059 - Wholistic Healing Practices & Colonial Trauma Certificate, Module 9 "Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Supporting Community Reconciliation"
0060 - Wholistic Healing Practices Cert Module 12 - "Colonial Trauma and Supporting Indigenous Men Wholistically"
0061 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate Module 10 - Land-Based Healing Practices
0064 - Indigenous Research Series, Module 3 "Indigenous Research Methodologies and Meaning Making: Restoring Indigenous Knowledge"
0203 - Luther Clinical Supervision
0212 - Questioning Ability
0214 - Christian Theologies of Disability
0217 - Theology and Mental Health
0218 - Capstone Project
0238 - Level II: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Women’s Reproductive Mental Health
0300 - Positive Psychology and Resilience Corporate Training
0335 - Mental Health Skills for Educators: Mood Disorders in Children and Youth
0336 - Mental Health Skills for Educators: Anxiety in Children and Youth
0337 - Mental Health Skills for Educators: Suicide and Self-Harm in Children and Youth
0338 - Mental Health Skills for Educators: Body Image and Eating Disorders in Children and Youth
0339 - Mental Health Skills for Educators: FASD and Substance Abuse in Children and Youth
0340 - Mental Health Skills for Educators: Psychosis and Disruptive Behaviour Disorders in Children and Youth
0343 - FREE - Introduction to Children and Youth Mental Health: Skills for Educators
0481 - Positive Education Certificate
0482 - Positive Psychology and Resilience Workshops
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