Program Streams

0009 - Decolonizing Education Certificate, Module 1 "Introduction to Indigenous Perspectives and Knowledge: Cultural History and Colonial History"
0013 - Decolonizing Education Certificate, Module 2 "Introduction to Indigenous Perspectives and Knowledge: Policy, Land & Governance"
0014 - Decolonizing Education Certificate, Module 3 "Introduction to Indigenous Perspectives and Knowledge: Social Control"
0015 - Decolonizing Education Certificate, Module 4 "Introduction to Indigenous Perspectives and Knowledge: Resistance, Healing, and Anti-Colonialism"
0016 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 5 "Wholistic Evaluations"
0021 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 4 "Putting Indigegogy into Practice"
0022 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 3 "Building Our Bundles"
0037 - Decolonizing Education Certificate, Module 5 "Positionality in Relationship to Indigenous People: Solidarity"
0041 - Decolonizing Education Certificate, Module 6 "Race, Power and Privilege"
0042 - Decolonizing Education Certificate, Module 7 "Critical Reflections in Moving Forward"
0043 - Decolonzing Education Certificate, Module 8 - Learning from the Land: Decolonizing & Naturalizing Relations
0045 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 1 "Stepping into Your Centre"
0046 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 2 "Circle Work"
0047 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 6 "Teaching and Learning as Ceremony"
0048 - Indigenous Peoples Certificate, Module 7 "Honoring the Land"
0049 - Wholistic Healing Practices and Colonial Trauma Certificate, Module 1 "Decolonizing Trauma Work"
0050 - Wholistic Healing Practices and Colonial Trauma Certificate, Module 2 "Indigenizing Trauma Work"
0051 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 3 "Kinship and Customary Care in Indigenous Child Welfare"
0052 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 4 "Reawakening the Spirit: Healing from Colonial Trauma"
0054 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 5 "Developing Indigenous-Led Responses to MMIWG2S"
0055 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 6 "A Community Practice Approach to Family Violence"
0056 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 7 "Dewaganose: Supporting Healing in Children and Youth"
0058 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate, Module 8 "Gender & Sexual Diversity in Indigenous Communities"
0059 - Wholistic Healing Practices & Colonial Trauma Certificate, Module 9 "Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Supporting Community Reconciliation"
0060 - Wholistic Healing Practices Cert Module 12 - "Colonial Trauma and Supporting Indigenous Men Wholistically"
0061 - Wholistic Healing Practices Certificate Module 10 - Land-Based Healing Practices
0062 - Indigenous Research Series, Module 1 "Indigenous Research Paradigms"
0063 - Indigenous Research Series, Module 2 "Indigenous Ethics and Community Based Research Partnerships: Creating a Framework"
0064 - Indigenous Research Series, Module 3 "Indigenous Research Methodologies and Meaning Making: Restoring Indigenous Knowledge"
0089 - Mindfulness in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
0090 - Fundamentals of Addiction
0091 - Level I: Fundamentals of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
0094 - Complex Trauma
0095 - Trauma-Centred Psychotherapy Techniques
0096 - Building Resilience in Children Who Have Experienced Trauma
0097 - Traumatic Bereavement
0100 - Secondary Traumatic Stress, Compassion Fatigue and Resilience
0101 - Foundations of Trauma
0102 - Working with Refugees and Survivors of War
0104 - Structural Dissociative Theory: A Therapeutic Approach to Working with Trauma Parts
0106 - Mindfulness for Trauma
0107 - Crisis Intervention
0108 - Trauma and Addictions
0110 - Integrative Trauma Treatment: Promising Frameworks and Approaches
0111 - Polyvagal Theory: A Bottom-Up Approach for Trauma Treatment
0112 - Attachment in Adolescence: The Wonky Brain that Responds to Change
0113 - Calming the Storms of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents
0115 - Expressive Arts Therapy with Children and Adolescents
0118 - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Assessment and Case Conceptualization
0120 - Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Children and Adolescents
0123 - Human Resource (HR) Management
0124 - Resource Development
0125 - Program Evaluation
0127 - Fundamentals of Management
0128 - Leadership Coaching: Guiding Conversations Towards Transformation
0129 - Managing Conflict with Confidence and Compassion
0130 - Introduction to Clinical Supervision
0132 - Community Consultation and Needs Assessment
0133 - Introduction to Motivational Interviewing (MI)
0134 - Solution Focused Brief Therapy: 'Slicing it Thin'
0135 - An Overview of Narrative Therapy
0136 - The Private Practice Roadmap
0138 - Brief Single Session Therapy
0139 - Creating Secure Relationships: An Introduction to Emotionally Focused Therapy
0140 - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) in Practice
0141 - Redeveloping Secure Adult Attachments: A Journey of Awareness, Mourning and Change
0142 - Mental Health 101
0143 - Mindful Self-Compassion
0144 - Breathe In and Play: Mindfulness Practice with Children and Adolescents
0145 - Grieving Children and Youth
0146 - Level II: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Anxiety Disorders and Depression
0147 - Level II: The Essentials of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) with Children and Youth
0148 - Level II: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Trauma
0149 - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): The Model, the Practice, the Application
0150 - Addiction and the Family
0151 - Understanding Relapse Prevention
0152 - Engaging Complex Clients: Working in Addictions with Specialized Populations
0153 - Behavioural Addictions: Gambling, Gaming and Technology Overuse
0154 - Pharmacology
0156 - Concurrent Disorders
0157 - The Essentials of Harm Reduction
0158 - Counselling Techniques in Addiction Practice
0159 - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Mental Health
0160 - Suicide Intervention Skills
0162 - Mindfulness for Mental Health
0163 - Core Counselling Skills
0164 - Becoming Trauma Informed
0165 - Palliative and End-of-Life Care
0166 - Grief Counselling
0167 - Supporting Bereaved Parents After a Pregnancy Loss or the Death of a Child
0168 - Foundations of Grief
0169 - Spirituality, Religion and Self-Care
0170 - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Individual Therapy
0171 - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Phone Coaching and Consulting
0172 - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Interfering Behaviours
0173 - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Skills Training: Part 1
0174 - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Skills Training: Part 2
0178 - Positive Psychology: The Science of Well-Being, Resilience, Meaning and More
0180 - An Introduction to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
0184 - Trauma Informed Service Systems
0187 - Bereavement Support Groups: Advanced Facilitator Training
0203 - Luther Clinical Supervision
0204 - Working with Trauma and the Body: The Fundamentals of Somatic Therapy
0220 - Project Management
0221 - Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP)
0223 - Early Developmental Trauma: From Imprint to Blueprint
0224 - When the Marriage/Partnership Ends: Families in Transition
0225 - Expressive Arts with Trauma
0226 - A Neuroplasticity Approach in the Treatment of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
0227 - Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders: An Overview of Diagnostics, Assessment, and Treatment Options
0228 - Introduction to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) with Adolescents (and Children)
0229 - Engaging Individuals and Their Support Systems in Navigating the MAiD Journey
0232 - The Art of the Clinical Note
0233 - Level I: Sacred Circle CBT -- Mikwendaagwad: “It is remembered, it comes to mind”
0234 - Level II: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Addictions
0237 - Level I: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Chronic Illness and Diabetes Management
0240 - Group Work: Grounded in Theory, Confident in Practice
0242 - CBT Lunch and Learn Series
0257 - Play Therapy Interventions for Helping Children with Mental Health Challenges
0290 - Trauma-Informed Approaches to Working with Those Impacted by Gender-Based Violence
0304 - "Introduction to Circle Work"
0306 - Working with Neurodiverse Children and Youth: An Anti-Oppressive Approach
0307 - Advanced Structural Dissociative Theory: A Therapeutic Approach to Working with Trauma Parts – Part 2
0310 - When a Few Sessions is All we Have: ACT as a Brief Intervention
0312 - Substance Use and Youth
0314 - Cannabis and Mental Health
0315 - Managing Countertransference Reactions Within Vulnerable Populations Impacted by Trauma
0316 - The ACT Matrix: A Powerful Framework for Living Meaningfully
0317 - Disability and Grief
0318 - ACT and Self-Compassion
0319 - Team Development: Awareness and Tactics
0320 - ACTing, Grooving and Shaking in Groups
0321 - Trauma-Informed ACT
0322 - Developing an Expanded Understanding of a Polyvagal-Informed Practice
0324 - Ecosystemic Structural Family Therapy (ESFT)
0325 - Dare to Lead™ 2.0
0326 - Prolonged Exposure
0327 - Theories, Models and Methods of Clinical Supervision
0329 - The Supervisory Relationship
0330 - Ethical Issues in Clinical Supervision
0331 - Challenges in Supervision: How to Get 'Unstuck' in Supervision
0332 - Safe and Effective Use of Self in Clinical Supervision
0333 - Promoting Cultural Competence in Clinical Supervision
0341 - "Engaging Elders in Our Work"
0342 - Facilitating Decolonizing Knowledge
0357 - Schema Therapy: An Effective Way to Support Clients Who Have a History of Trauma, Attachment and Personality Disorders
0358 - Sometimes Words Are Not Enough: Drama Therapy with Trauma
0371 - A Compassionate Approach to Working with Addictions
0398 - Introduction to Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) Therapy: A Comprehensive Workshop
0399 - Group Work for Addictions: Grounded in Theory, Confident in Practice
0401 - Advanced Motivational Interviewing
0402 - Mindfulness-Based Practice for Individuals and Groups: The Foundations
0403 - Mindfulness-Based Practice for Individuals and Groups: Advanced Training
0404 - Internal Family Systems (IFS) in Couple and Family Therapy
0405 - Secure Parent, Secure Child: How a Parent’s Attachment Shapes the Attachment of a Child
0406 - Developing Skills for Couple Work
0407 - Intimate Partner Violence
0408 - Working with Older Populations: Essential Knowledge for Practice
0409 - Foundations of Clinical Sex Therapy
0410 - Families in Grief
0411 - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Couples
0413 - It’s Lonely at the Top: Understanding and Caring for Yourself in Ways that Inspire Wise Leadership
0415 - Trauma-Informed Leadership: Transforming Your Agency into a Trauma-Informed Sanctuary of Care
0416 - Level II: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Eating Disorders
0417 - Understanding the Specific Individualized Features of Trauma: The Importance of In-depth Trauma Screening Instruments
0418 - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Psychosis (CBT-P)
0419 - Foundations of Restorative Justice: Fostering Healing for People, Relationships and Communities
0420 - Trauma and Neurodivergence
0421 - Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
0422 - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Insomnia
0423 - Understanding OCD in Children and Youth: Early Intervention and Assessment Strategies
0424 - Supporting Gender Independent and Trans Children, Youth and Their Families
0425 - Suicidal or Self-Harming? Assessment and Treatment of "At Risk" Teens
0426 - An Introduction to Counselling for Infertility, Loss and Assisted Reproductive Technologies
0447 - Know this First: Necessary Knowledge for Mental Health Professionals Working with First Responders
0467 - Equine Facilitated Therapy: Working with Trauma
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