
Course Description

Hours: 12

Yes, the adolescent brain is wonky and unpredictable because of changes in hormones and other chemicals. However, changes in the adolescent brain make this an opportune time to help adolescents with insecure attachments start to develop secure attachments. Although by adolescence attachment categories are imbedded in personality and the brain, the changes in the brains of adolescents allow for the adolescent to become aware of their attachments and the impact on their relationships. They are able to examine their relationships with parents, to reflect on their patterns in relationships with peers and other adults, to leave behind the harmful patterns of relating they learned from their families and to risk creating new patterns in their relationships.

This workshop will explore attachment in adolescents and examine the categories of attachment as they develop in adolescence. The workshop will present the latest information on brain development in adolescence and its implications for adolescent therapy. A model of treatment will be presented that focuses on family therapy for younger adolescents and individual therapy for older adolescents. Individual therapy is effective in helping older adolescents develop awareness of their early history and its influence on their present sense of self and patterns in relationships. The relationship with the therapist is the crucial vehicle for change. The goal of attachment focused therapy for adolescents is to help the adolescent become more secure and enter adulthood with the capacity for secure adult attachments.

The workshop will include:

  • Brief review of attachment theory.
  • Categories of child attachment.
  • Attachment in adolescence.
  • The adolescent brain.
  • Attachment focused family and individual therapy: stages of therapy.
  • Role of the therapist and understanding his/her own attachment.

Case examples, videos and exercises will be presented to demonstrate interventions.


For more information contact the Faculty of Social Work Professional Development office:

Email: fswprofessionaldevelopment@wlu.ca
Phone: 548-889-5128

Cancellations and Transfers
Be sure to carefully review our cancellation and transfer information before registering.

Website: wlu.ca/fswpd

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

This workshop is currently not available. The 2024/2025 Faculty of Social Work Professional Development course and workshop dates will be available on July 8, 2024.
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