
Course Description

Hours: 12

Internal family systems (IFS) is a powerfully transformative, evidence-based model of psychotherapy with broad applicability to couple and family therapy. Drawing on family systems theory, IFS therapists believe we all have multiple parts that contribute to the functioning of our internal world and our relationships with others. The goal of therapy is to access calmness, clarity, compassion and the unique competence of each client’s system and to harness this energy in the service of relational change. This course will cover the fundamentals of IFS-based couple and family therapy. Participants will leave the course with an overview of the core competencies of applying IFS to couple and family work, as well as tools in inviting clients to access the courage of ‘self energy’ so they may speak for, rather than from, their parts.

Course Outline

For more information contact the Faculty of Social Work Professional Development office:

Email: fswprofessionaldevelopment@wlu.ca
Phone: 548-889-4967

Cancellations and Transfers
Be sure to carefully review our cancellation and transfer information before registering.

Website: wlu.ca/fswpd

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


This course has already taken place for the current academic year (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025).

The 2025/2026 Faculty of Social Work Professional Development course dates will be posted on this website on July 3, 2025.

Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.
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