
Course Description

This module in the Decolonizing Education Certificate, brought to you by the Centre for Indigegogy, will help participants learn about their individual, familial, cultural, nation, and professional position from the lands, waters, and climate they live and work within. A series of four half-day teachings will be conducted in relation to different places that bring to our attention particular land, being and ancestral relations, and these will be engaged for particular teachings about the history of colonial relations, human responsibilities in creation, and how to hold ourselves in times of climatic changes.

We will engage these places in relation to stories from the Indigenous nations of the waters/land we are on (e.g. Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Wendat) and wampum treaties like the Two Row, Dish-with-One-Spoon, and Seven Nations/Fires. There is an emphasis on participatory activities that asks participants to draw insights from the land/water/climate-based teachings, and to work with their ancestral origins, stories and practices in relation to what these places teach. These sessions are centred around the practice of ‘truth-telling’ for settlers as the basis for considering different ways of “naturalizing” our ways of relating with Indigenous people and the land/water we live within, and as such will continually ask participants to consider what their learning means for our ways of living and working.


This workshop is developed and delivered by the Centre for Indigegogy. To learn more about the Centre for Indigegogy, please visit our website wlu.ca/fsw/indigegogy.

Questions? Please contact us at indigegogy@wlu.ca


This workshop makes up 14 out of 84 hours required to receive the Decolonizing Education Certificate. 

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Decolonzing Education Certificate, Module 8 - Learning from the Land: Decolonizing & Naturalizing Relations
Th, F
9:00AM to 4:30PM
Jun 12, 2025 to Jun 13, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Hours
Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $520.00
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