
Course Description

Hours: 12

The impact of the decision to pursue Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) has a ripple effect that extends beyond the death itself, for the individual, their family, community and healthcare team. Addressing the everyday issues and complex needs of all individuals touched by MAiD is essential. This Professional Development course will seek to enhance participants’ knowledge and skill-base when engaging individuals and their support networks in navigating the MAiD journey. Intermixed with real life stories and informative videos, it will provide you with an overview of MAiD, information on the psychosocial aspects impacting the decision to request (and access) MAiD, particularly the grief and bereavement process, and highlight ways that we can mitigate the challenges of supporting individuals through MAiD.


For more information contact the Faculty of Social Work Professional Development office:

Email: fswprofessionaldevelopment@wlu.ca
Phone: 548-889-5128

Cancellations and Transfers
Be sure to carefully review our cancellation and transfer information before registering.

Website: wlu.ca/fswpd

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Engaging Individuals and Their Support Systems in Navigating the MAiD Journey
Th, F
9:00AM to 4:00PM
May 22, 2025 to May 23, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee non-credit $380.00
Potential Discount(s)
Section Notes

Instructor: Lauren Clark, MSW, RSW

Location: This Professional Development course is being held remotely through Zoom. 

Website: wlu.ca/fswpd

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