
Course Description

Hours: 12

This two-day course will focus on providing the skills necessary to apply the core ACT processes that
will enable the delivery of effective interventions with clients on the very first encounter. The course structure utilizes a blend of didactic presentation, case scenarios, small group work, video demonstrations and a series of interactive exercises to reinforce the learning objectives.

The covered topics will include:
•    Understanding the myths and realities surrounding "brief therapy".
•    Exploring the research evidence supporting the efficacy of brief ACT interventions.
•    Maximizing ACT as an accessible catalyst for profound change.
•    Mastering the technique of conducting a focused interview and completing a rapid case formulation while simultaneously enhancing your client’s motivation to implement change.

On the second day, emphasis will be placed on the application of specific ACT interventions to heighten awareness, openness, and engagement.

Why Choose This Course?
In today's climate of constrained resources and extended waiting times for government-funded mental health services, therapists are often expected to provide effective treatments in a limited number of sessions. Proficiency in delivering evidence-based brief interventions is an asset for all practitioners. With its transdiagnostic approach and focus on mindfulness strategies and committed value-driven behavior change, ACT is ideally positioned to meet this rising demand.


For more information contact the Faculty of Social Work Professional Development office:

Email: fswprofessionaldevelopment@wlu.ca
Phone: 548-889-4967

Cancellations and Transfers
Be sure to carefully review our cancellation and transfer information before registering.

Website: wlu.ca/fswpd

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
When a Few Sessions is All we Have: ACT as a Brief Intervention
M, T
9:00AM to 4:00PM
May 26, 2025 to May 27, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee non-credit $380.00
Potential Discount(s)
Section Notes

Instructor: Sarah Waldman, MA, RP

Location: This Professional Development course is being held remotely through Zoom. 

Website: wlu.ca/fswpd

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