
Course Description

Hours: 12

Refugees and survivors of war are often left to face a lasting impact that trauma, violence or risk of violence may cause. Even after making the journey to a safe country, the immigration process (resettlement and acculturation) may also cause a stress that could have an impact on refugees’ and survivors of wars’ physical and mental health. 

This workshop will provide both a conceptual framework and practical skills for assessment and interventions when working with refugees and survivors of war.

Throughout this workshop participants will: 
•    Gain an understanding of the effect of torture, violence or risk of violence.
•    Understand the effect of migration and post migration trauma.
•    Learn and practice effective skills for working with refugees and survivors of wars.
•    Learn how to effectively assess for the possible intersection of religion when working with triggered refugees or survivors of wars.
•    Learn effective ways to manage self-care.


For more information contact the Faculty of Social Work Professional Development office:

Email: fswprofessionaldevelopment@wlu.ca
Phone: 548-889-4967

Cancellations and Transfers
Be sure to carefully review our cancellation and transfer information before registering.

Website: wlu.ca/fswpd

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


This workshop is currently not available. The 2024/2025 Faculty of Social Work Professional Development course and workshop dates will be available on July 8, 2024.

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